Welcome to folks who’ve joined us since last week. If you’re new or missed the last edition, catch up here. And thank you for giving me your time, I appreciate it.
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This week’s banter
It’s 7:03 AM. I’m sipping my black coffee while staring at a blank document.
The cursor’s blinking rhythmically. Requesting my command.
“What’s the first word, Aditya? How will you convey your message in the “best possible manner”? Wait, what’s this email even about? Whatever it is, it needs to be perfect!”
I stare at the blank page for another 7 minutes. The cursor continues blinking relentlessly.
I take a big sip from my cup and notice it’s empty. Huh?
“Maybe today’s not the day. This was uncomfortable. Lemme check Twitter for a minute. I’m sure I’ll feel up for it tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow’s better.“
Tomorrow’s perfect.
Over the 10 months I’ve written online, I’ve had this wrestling match in my head nearly every single day.
There are days where my mind wins. But that I’ve been tweeting every day for 10 months and you’re receiving this email means I win more often.
Here’s a simple mental reframe to channel your perfectionism into action.
Pursue excellence, not perfection.
“What! That’s it?”
Hold on a minute.
It might appear like simple wordplay, but don’t underestimate its psychological impact. Here are 3 reasons why:
1) You can track it
Can you define perfection?
Is it the right word choice? The correct sequence of words? Is it simple or clever? Is it long or short? That you and I can’t define it is the reason it sucks nuts.
Because it’s a mirage.
And you can’t aim at something you can’t see. How will you even know you’ve attained it?
Excellence is iterative.
You start by being crap at something (I won’t deny, it sucks).
But if you endure, you will see perceptible improvement. You’re not chasing a myth, you’re chasing consistent incremental improvement.
2) You can control it
Perfectionism is 100% outcome focused.
This email needs to be perfect. This tweet needs to be perfect. I’ll only go for a walk if the weather is perfect. When it’s not too sunny, there’s a light breeze, a cool shade and my shoes are made of gold and God himself comes knocking on my door to let me know it’s time.
No wonder most people end up slouching on their couch, staring at the TV with their mouths half open.
Excellence is 100% output focused.
You focus on getting your reps in every day.
You write every day. You move your ass every day. You learn a new skill by sucking at it and sticking with it every single day.
3) You get moving, now
Perfectionism is a mental trap.
“I’m a perfectionist” means “I’m a professional procrastinator”. You just need to look at their proof of work. It’s not there.
It’s mental masturbation. Dreaming of doing something, “someday”.
Excellence is motion.
It requires you to start, suck and refine.
Acknowledge that it may never be “good enough”. But the whole point is your relentless pursuit of it.
There’s that “meaning of life” you’ve been looking for.
Stupid simple reframes can do wonders. But only if you act on them.
Anyway, indecision and overthinking will kill your dreams faster than imperfection ever could.
Un-chuckle worthy quote
“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” - Salvador Dali
This quote captures the illusion of perfection perfectly.
And I’m sure there’s a perfect quote out there for this. But for now, this will do.
Until next week
I wrote this email as a reminder to myself.
You see, I’ve been procrastinating on starting something new for weeks now. And it’s eating me from the inside.
Time to get moving.
Adi “get your ass moving” Verma
PS: I love banter (duh), so hit that reply button, comment on the website or book a call if you want to chat! I’d love to hear from you.
Indeed a struggle to move from a perfectionist to being excellent only! Good tips! Thanks for sharing