If you’re new or missed the last edition, catch up here. Also, yolo! Thank you for giving me your time. I appreciate it.
In case you’re a first-time reader, how about joining the tribe? I share thoughts on living well in the modern age, lessons learnt from writing online and occasional “therapeutic” rants.
Yolo folks!
Welcome to the 7 new members of this banter-ish tribe. That takes the tally to 93 for this third episode.
Slowly approaching the big 100! I’m definitely not freaking out.
What’s up?
My writing hiatus continues.
After recovering from a fun but hectic wedding week, I’m now busy with some personal errands. Which will keep me occupied the whole of next week.
That’s how life is - you can’t plan everything. Rather, you can plan everything, but also ensure to plan for that to fail. Those are the rules.
I continue with the bare minimum - capturing ideas through the week, thirty minutes of writing time every day, etc. Helps me get this newsletter out. It’s easy to say - “I’ll do it after three weeks, when I’m free and everything is nice and perfect.”
You and I both know that’s never going to happen. Ever.
An “ideal” environment does NOT exist - except in your imagination. If you keep waiting for the stars to align perfectly… well, then I’ll see you on the other side, lol.
So, move your ass already!
Speaking of ideal environments, are you aware of deliberate environment design?
I came across it while reading James Clear’s blog. You set up your environment so that you have to exert the least amount of willpower to get the desired action done.
I’ve used it with much success:
My snacking problem - potato crisps have a way of not surviving long in my house. So I don’t stock them anymore. Problem solved!
I’ve zero self-control with playing video games - so I sold my PS4 in late 2020.
Shattered concentration - so I don’t check my phone in the morning before getting work done. (Fine, I could do better here, how did you know?!)
And while I love environment design, I factor in life’s inherent randomness.
You won’t always be in your designed environment. Things will happen without notice. Then you’re sitting at your mom’s place with potato crisps lying around.
What will you do then? (*nom, nom*)
Something someone wrote
While I plan to share my writing here (because, why not?), this is a topic I haven’t explored yet.
Instead, here’s the article that introduced me to the concept of environment design. Such simplicity and effectiveness.
Try it out in the smallest dose first - it works!
Un-chuckle worthy quote
I’ve finally run out of “chuckle worthy” quotes after only two editions. Goddammit!
Not many people are funny. Not a lot are trying either 🤖 So here’s a “regular”, boring-ass quote instead:
“It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.” - Hugh Laurie
Man’s got a point.
You already know when you’ll see me next…
Doesn’t matter if I don't have time to write, am out of ideas or chomping on a pack of Lays. I’ll show up in your inbox next Saturday.
That’s the point of keeping this short and sweet-ish. And getting daily reps in. Prowess is a byproduct of deliberate, consistent iterations.
Because there’s no time like the present and no environment perfect enough to do the work. You just have to want to do it enough.
So, what are you waiting for? Move your ass already!
Till next time,
PS: I’ve provided enough disclaimers around keeping the format of this digital postcard flexible. We’ll see how it develops now.
Suggestions are always welcome, though. I love banter (duh), so hit that reply button, comment on the website or book a call if you want to chat! I’d love to hear from you.
Here is a chuckle worthy quote and I did not plan to send one (pun intended)
"I always cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food."
—W.C. Fields
Totally resonate with your banter this week too! I discovered James clear blog last quarter and tried to imbibe few tricks there! The environment one clearly is a toughie! Thanks for the article though- will check it out to make some progress!
Coincidentally, my 7yo and I were talking of planning this morning .. she said why do you plan everything, keep some room for no plans too… I guess she has already read your banter 😂